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医 院 管 理 局 设 施的英文

"医 院 管 理 局 设 施"怎么读


  • hospital authority facilities
  • "医"英文翻译    doctor; physician
  • "院"英文翻译    courtyard; yard; compound
  • "管"英文翻译    pipe; tube
  • "理"英文翻译    texture; grain
  • "局"英文翻译    chessboard game; set; inning ...
  • "设"英文翻译    x
  • "施"英文翻译    execute; carry out
  • "数 据 管 理" 英文翻译 :    data administration
  • "计 划 管 理 工 具" 英文翻译 :    project management tool
  • "文 件 管 理 系 统" 英文翻译 :    document management system
  • "系 统 管 理 软 件" 英文翻译 :    system management software
  • "别打扰(管,理,惹)某人,让…一人待着" 英文翻译 :    leave /let sb. alone
  • "分 布 式 数 据 库 管 理 系 统" 英文翻译 :    distributed database management system
  • "人 力 资 源 管 理 资 讯 系 统" 英文翻译 :    ipl-hris
  • "院" 英文翻译 :    名词1.(院子) courtyard; yard; compound 场院 threshing ground; 居民大院 neighbourhood compound; 前院 front yard; 我把汽车停在后院。 i parked the car in the backyard. 院里种了几棵枣树。 there are some jujube trees in the courtyard.2.(某些机关和公共处所的名称) a designation for certain government offices and public places 电影院 cinema; 法院 law court; 国务院 state council; 科学院 the academy of sciences; 疗养院 sanatorium3.(学院) institute; college 理学院 college of science; 农[药]学院 college of agriculture [pharmacy]; 文学院 literal arts college4.(医院) hospital 出院 leave hospital; be out of hospital; be discharged from hospital; 入院 be admitted to hospital; be hospitalized; 转院 transfer to another hospital; 医生建议让小孩住院。 the doctor advised hospitalization for the child.5.(姓氏) a surname 院明 yuan ming
  • "院 ()" 英文翻译 :    school of visual arts
  • "医" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(医生) doctor; physician 军医 medical officer; surgeon; 开业行医 practice as a doctor; 巫医 witch doctor; 延医 send for a doctor; 解放前农村缺医少药。 before liberation there were few doctors and little medicine in the countryside. 她得到良医的治疗。 she is attended by a good doctor.2.(医学) medical science [service]; medicine 送医送药到山寨 take medicine and medical service to mountain villages; 行医 practise medicine; 医用温度计 clinical thermometer; 他是学医的。 he is a student of medicine.Ⅱ动词(医治) cure; treat 把他的病医好 cure him of his illness; 给人医病 give sb. medical treatment; 一种新药医好了她的病。 she was cured with a new medicine
  • "设" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(设立; 布置) set up; establish; found 设下天罗地网 spread a dragnet; 设一所学校 establish a school; 总公司设在大连 set up the head office in dalian; 部下面设六个司。under the ministry there are six departments. 我们这个市, 下面设十个区。our municipality is divided into ten districts. 指挥部设在前沿阵地上。 the command post was set up in a forward position.2.(筹划) work out : 设计陷害 plot a frame-up; frame; 设了个圈套 set a trap3.[数学] (假设) given; suppose; if 设 x = 1 given: x = 1; 设 x 等于 y。 let x be the equal of y. 设长方形的宽是 x 米。suppose the width of a rectangle is x metres.Ⅱ连词[书面语] (假如; 倘若) if ; in case 设有困难, 当助一臂之力。you can count on me to help in case of difficulty.Ⅲ名词(姓氏) a surname 设昌 she chang
  • "理" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(物质组织的条纹) texture; grain (in wood, skin, etc.) 木理 grain in wood;肌理 skin texture2.(道理;事理) reason; logic; truth 合理 conforming to reason; 伦理 ethics; 不近情理 unreasonable; 他不讲理。 he is not amenable to reason. 他讲的句句是理。 there is truth in every word he says.3.(自然科学, 特指物理学) natural science, esp. physics 理工大学 university of science and engineering; 数理化 mathematics, physics and chemistry4.(姓氏) a surname 理徵 li zhiⅡ动词1.(管理; 办理) manage; run; deal with 代理 act for ; 处理 deal or cope with; 理家 keep house; manage family affairs; 有要事待理 have important business to attend to2.(整理; 使整齐) put in proper order; tidy up; clean up 清理 clear up; 梳理 comb hair; arrange in proper order; 理一理房间 tidy up the rooms a bit3.(表示态度; 表示意见) take notice of; pay attention to 置之不理 pay no attention to sth.; brush sth. aside; 不要理他 take no notice of him
  • "施" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ动词1.(实行; 施展) execute; carry out 无所施其技 no chance (for sb.) to play his tricks; 他们一计不成, 又施一计。 their first ruse having failed, they tried another.2.(给予) exert; impose 己所不欲, 勿施于人 do not do to others what you would not have them do to you; do as you would be done by; 施压力 exert pressure3.(施舍) give; hand out; bestow; grant 乐善好施 always glad to give to charities; 施恩 bestow favour4.(用; 加上) use; apply 施底肥 apply fertilizer to the subsoil; 施粉 powder; 一亩地要施多少肥? how much fertilizer should be applied on one mu of land?Ⅱ名词(姓氏) a surname 施耐庵 shi nai'an
  • "物 件 导 向 数 据 库 管 理 系 统" 英文翻译 :    object-oriented language
  • "局" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(棋盘) chessboard2.(下棋或其他比赛一次叫一局) game; set; innings 第一局 (乒乓球等) the first game [set]; (板球、棒球、垒球) the first innings; 下一局棋 play a game of chess; 比赛最后打成平局。the game ended in a draw.3.(形势; 情况; 处境) situation; state of affairs 全局 the overall situation; the situation as a whole; 时局 the current situation4.(人的器量) largeness or smallness of mind; extent of one's tolerance of others 局量不能容物 not tolerant of others; 有局度 be large-minded; be tolerant5.(旧时称某些聚会) gathering 赌局 gambling house [party]; 饭局 a dinner party; a banquet6.(圈套) ruse; trap 骗局 fraud; trap; swindle7.(部分) part; portion8.(机关组织系统中按业务划分的单位) office; bureau 电话局 telephone exchange; 教育局 bureau of education; 粮食局 grain bureau; 人事局 (the) bureau of personnel; 卫生局 public health bureau; 邮局 post office9.(某些商店的名称) shop 书局 publishing houseⅡ动词(拘束; 拘泥) limit; confine
  • "s管" 英文翻译 :    s-tube
  • "管" 英文翻译 :    Ⅰ名词1.(管子) pipe; tube 气管 windpipe; trachea; 水管 water pipe; 吸管 siphon; 滴管 dropper2.(吹奏的乐器) wind musical instrument 双簧管 oboe; 单簧管 clarinet3.(形状似管的电器件) valve; tube 晶体管 transistor; 电子管 electron tube4.(动植物体内细长的中空组织; 通道或管道) duct; canal; vessels 胆管 bile duct; 淋巴管 lymphatic vessel; 门脉管 portal canal5.(古国名) guan, a state in the zhou dynasty6.(姓氏) a surname 管仲 guan zhongⅡ动词1.(管理) be in charge of; manage; run; supervise 管家务 run the house; keep house; 管生产 be in charge of production; 同时管十台机器 tend ten machines at the same time2.(管辖) administer; govern 这所大学由省直接管。 this university is directly under the province.3.(管教) subject sb. to discipline 管孩子 control a child; 孩子要管, 但更要引导。 children need discipline, but they need guidance even more.4.(担任) take on; shoulder 你管宣传。you are charged with propaganda.5.(过问) mind; interfere; bother about 别管我! don't bother about me. 少管闲事。 mind your own business. 我才不管呢! i can't be bothered. 怎么管不着? why shouldn't we interfere?6.(保证; 负责供给) guarantee; assure; provide 管退管换 replacement of defective goods guaranteed; 管吃管住 provide food and accommodationⅢ形容词(狭隘; 有限) narrow; restricted; limited; small 管见 my humble opinionⅣ量词(用于细长圆筒形的东西) 一管牙膏 a tube of toothpaste; 两管钢笔 two pensⅤ介词(作用近似“把”, 专跟“叫”配合) 管他叫小胖子 be known as “little fatty”; be called “little fatty”Ⅵ连词[方言] (不管, 无论) no matter (what, how, etc.) 管你怎么说, 他都不会相信你。 no matter what you may say, he will not believe you. 管他想什么, 都没关系。 whatever he thinks doesn't matter
  • "部,院" 英文翻译 :    department
医 院 管 理 局 设 施的英文翻译,医 院 管 理 局 设 施英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译医 院 管 理 局 设 施,医 院 管 理 局 设 施的英文意思,醫 院 管 理 局 設 施的英文医 院 管 理 局 设 施 meaning in English醫 院 管 理 局 設 施的英文医 院 管 理 局 设 施怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。